- Dimension: Height: 24 1/2 in (62.2 cm) Diameter of top: 20 3/16 in (51.3 cm)
- Estimate From: $25000
- Estimate To: $35000
Modelled in the form of a barrel, the burlwood top resting on shaped apron extending into five curved legs, all resting on a ring base supported on five short stub feets. Ming Dynasty period.
來源:香港洛杉磯沈氏家族珍藏 Provenance: The Shum Family collection, Hong Kong/Los Angeles 此明黃花梨五足香几作鼓墩形狀,用整板癭木作面,邊框起四分之一圓陽線. 腿子上部作插肩榫嵌裝托腮並鎪鑿長條式的透孔,腹部開光作圓角方形, 五足裏面削圓並鎪鑿長條式透孔, 以增添疏透與靈秀感. 足下托泥作羅鍋棖,整體造形完整, 簡練, 淳樸, 圓熟, 渾成, 幽靜的美。加上不吝惜剖大材, 精選料, 簡而無稜角的線腳, 精湛的木工工藝和古舊家俱的自然, 厚重, 古樸的包漿原汁原味, 堪稱明代家俱之絕品。