- Dimension: Height: 13 in (33 cm) Diameter of top: 16 1/4 in (41.3 cm)
- Estimate From: $20000
- Estimate To: $35000
The size of the censor is enormous and is in excellent conditions. In an archaic bronze “ding” form, this censor has a rounded body and a straight and tall neck which is slightly overhung by a broad rim. The three animal-like foot supports the massive body, which is covered overall with a thick and lustrous celadon glaze. The body is decorated with three bands of flower scroll designs. The carvings are precise, elegant, and fluid. Early Ming Dynasty period.
來源:香港洛杉磯沈氏家族珍藏 Provenance: The Shum Family collection, Hong Kong/Los Angeles 香爐圓口, 平沿, 高頸, 扁圓腹, 肩部有一圈凸稜. 深壁, 平底, 下承三乳狀 獸足, 底足露胎, 呈灰白色, 並繞以一圏火石紅 . 胎厚釉濃, 造型端正, 通 體罩施粉青釉, 釉色厚润青翠, 質洁細膩, 頸下流汁積垂. 頸部與腹部刻 纏枝牡丹花紋, 中間以卷草紋相隔. 該器胎釉結合緊密, 刻绘紋飾嫻熟流 暢, 采用了斜刀手法以增強紋飾的立體感. 整體造型豐滿渾厚, 穩重大方, 是不可多得的龍泉窯珍品。