- Dimension: Height: 6 3/4 in (17.0 cm) Length: 14 2/8 in (36.0 cm) Width: 9 1/2 in (24.0 cm)
- Estimate From: $3000
- Estimate To: $5000
The recumbent horned buffalo is carved with its legs tucked beneath its body and its tail swept to the side of the left haunch, the curved horns flanking the flat forehead lightly incised with a whorl of hair, The hooves are carved to the underside with detailed grooves and the legs are incised with fine hairs. The stone is of a gray tone with extensive areas of russet areas. Qing Dynasty period.
Provenance: Private collection, Seattle 來源: 西雅圖私人藏家多年收藏 此臥牛以大塊墨玉立體圓雕而成,光滑凝脂,色澤瑩潤,局部帶深褐色沁色,沉鬱古雅,端莊大氣。可比較一尊大型十八世紀玉雕臥牛,藏於紐約大都會博物館;以及紐約佳士得2000年3月成交一尊類似大小清代青玉臥牛(寬32.4 cm),最終價486,500美金。 Compare a larger 18th-century jade sculpture depicting a reclining buffalo exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Also compare a Qing Dynasty celadon jade sculpture of a buffalo, with a similar size of 32.4 cm in width, was auctioned at Sotheby's in New York in March 2000, fetching a final price of $486,500