Dimension: Height: 3 3/4 in (9.5 cm) Width: 1 7/8 in (4.8 cm)
Estimate From: $2500
Estimate To: $3500
The crystal snuff bottle modelled in rounded rectangular form, it is finely painted to the interior with eight calligraphies and paintings in damaged conditions to the front and reverse, reflecting the theme of the 'Eight Broken Paintings' (Ba-Po-Tu), which alludes to the hidden wishes for good fortune. The fan painting bears an inscription and signature of Liu Shouben, and one seal mark. 20th century.
Provenance: Property from a Chino Hills, California private collection. 來源: 加州奇諾崗私人收藏 「八破」又名「集破」,而「集」與「吉」同音,富含吉祥寓意。亦可稱為「集錦」、「集珍」、「錦灰堆」、「什錦屏」或「打翻字紙簍」等,是19世紀中期以降、中國藝壇上所出現的一種新興創作題材和表現形式。通常在畫面中藝術家以極度寫實的技法,描繪各種表相殘破不堪的文房或物件,例如蠹蟲蛀書的痕跡、破損書頁、已燒焦的畫作、殘損的法帖以及被撕裂的信箋等,企圖表達世間萬物走向壞滅、終將如曇花一現的遺存場景。「八破」中的「八」為虛詞泛稱,本身具有豐富、發達或繁多的隱喻意涵;而「破」字雖然指事物殘壞,卻帶有「否極泰來」、「破碎自珍」或「碎碎平安」的意味。劉守本(1943-2022), 生于北京。中國工藝美術大師。當代京派內畫藝術的代表。16歲進入北京工藝美術廠,1960年跟著第一代鼻煙壺匠師葉仲三的兒子葉曉峰、葉奉祺學藝。全面繼承葉家內畫傳統技藝,並從傳統中總結經驗,創立了更完善的技法,形成自己獨特的技術風格。是京派內畫壺代表性傳承人物。 Liu Shouben (1943 - 2022) was one of the four inside-painted artists, along with Wang Xisan, Ye Shuyin and Ding Guiling, who was taught by Ye Xiaofeng and Ye Bengqi. Children at play was one of his favorite subject matters and he depicted this happy scene with great skill. In 1984 Liu was honored as a 'Beijing Arts and Crafts Master' and it is through him that the Beijing School of inside-painting has flourished.