- Dimension: Height: 1 7/8 in (4.5 cm) Length: 7 1/8 in (18.0 cm) Width: 4 7/8 in (12.5 cm)
- Estimate From: $6800
- Estimate To: $9500
Chinese. Of rounded rectangular form, carved in high relief around the body with lingzhi fungus, crane, and deer, the top rim inscribed with Imperial poem, the base inscribed with six character Qianlong reign mark, with a highly carved and pierced rosewood stand depicting lingzhi heads and pine leaves. Qing Dynasty Qianlong period.
洗造型規整,玉質溫潤光澤,瑩採肌滋,四方形,中部掏膛,內壁光滑如鏡,外壁透雕出靈芝、瑞鹿、仙鶴,瑞鹿昂首挺胸,雙目炯炯有神,似在凝視遠望,靈芝飽滿,枝葉舒展,靈動柔美,仙鶴昂首佇立。寓意美好,象徵長壽幸福之意。洗口御題詩文“雲色避空宇,秋聲冷澗泉。飛鴻下沙渚,鳴鹿隔林煙。 何必借花柳,端宜親簡編。慈闈常侍奉,松鶴祝延年。乾隆御題 三”。底部“大清乾隆年制”款識。帶鏤雕靈芝紋底座,工藝極其精湛,繁而不亂,巧奪天工,力道十足。來源: 洛杉磯西好萊塢私人舊藏 Provenance: Private collection, West Hollywood, Los Angeles