- Dimension: Jade Panel: Height: 9 3/8 in (23.8 cm) Width: 7 1/8 in (18.1 cm)
- Estimate From: $16000
- Estimate To: $22000
Chinese. Deeply carved with a scene of two elderly sages standing by the creek, set in high mountains amidst the clouds, beneath two large pine trees; the reverse carved with similar setting with a deer running over the cliff under large pine tree, the finely polished stone of white tone, set in a well carved rosewood stand. Qing Dynasty period.
採用上等和田白玉製成,玉質緻密溫潤,純潔無瑕,色澤瑩亮。屏一面剔雕山水人物圖景,佈局嚴謹而有法度,工整莊重,一派皇家氣度。另一面則表現麋鹿在山谷間嬉戲,刀工細膩,刻畫清晰,疏落有致。山水人物畫面寧靜優美,岩石挺拔嶙峋,松樹枝幹彎曲遒勁,枝葉繁茂,蔚然成峰。祥雲遊蕩,山巒起伏、古松參天。幾位長者立於松濤之下,山石前慈眉善目,鶴髮童顏。整體畫面彷彿置身仙境,美輪美奐,使人陶醉。整器體量較大,用料頗奢,整體線條靈動活潑,佈局得當,緊密有度,使畫面頗具立體感,層次分明,色彩豐富,雕工嫻熟,實乃精品。帶木座。來源: 維吉尼亞州重要私人藏家收藏, 收于1990年以前 Provenance: Property from a Virginia private collection, assembled before 1990.