Dimension: Height: 17 7/8 in (45.5 cm) Length: 12 5/8 in (31.8 cm) Width: 2 7/8 in (7.5 cm) Weight: 1979.0g
Estimate From: $12000
Estimate To: $18000
Chinese. Of rectangular form, it is exquisitely carved in relief with scholars and their attendants within a rocky mountain landscape with pavillion, pine trees, water streams, and clouds; the reverse carved with two scholars traveling through the river on a boat while enjoying the rocky scenery. Qing Dynasty period.
此插屏由屏座和屏心組成,屏座紫檀為材,紋理細膩緻密、色澤沉穆典雅,莊重古樸,屏心呈長方形,翡翠質地一流,翠色透潤,水頭足,光澤亮麗,器面雕刻山水風景人物故事圖飾,紋飾刻畫精細,雕工嫻熟,刀法深峻圓潤,細膩流暢,佈局景物如畫,質料均佳,包漿潤澤,實為雋品,若置於書齋,可鑑詩意之美,亦得清賞之樂。 來源:南帕薩迪納私人收藏。當前所有者的父親在 1980 年代至 1990 年代的某個時候在倫敦南部收購,然後傳給了所有者。 Provenance: Private collection, South Pasadena. The current owner's father acquired in South London sometime during the 1980s-1990s and thence passed to the owner.