Dimension: Height: 5 1/8 in (13.0 cm) Width: 3 1/2 in (8.9 cm)
Estimate From: $1200
Estimate To: $1800
Chinese. The pear-shaped vase raised on a tall foot, the body tapering to the slightly flared rim, covered all over and on the base with a finely crackled glaze of pale yellowish-green tone
撇口,束頸,鼓腹,圈足外撇。胎體細膩,通體施白釉,釉色勻淨,潔白潤澤。底部帶有佳士德拍賣標籤。 來源:密蘇裡州堪薩斯城私人收藏, 購於紐約佳士得 Provenance: Property from a Kansas City, Missouri Family Estate. Purchased from Christie's New York.