Dimension: Height: 32 3/8 in (82.0 cm) Length: 39 7/8 in (101.5 cm) Width: 16 3/8 in (41.5 cm)
Estimate From: $4000
Estimate To: $6000
Chinese. the rectangular top raised on a recessed waist above shaped aprons and square legs, the top panel decorated with a central lotus mendallion and divided by lotus and dragons decorations, all reserved on a turquoise blue ground, the border decorated with lotus scrolls on yellow ground, the aprons and legs having dragon, lotus, and archaistic taotie mask decorations.
掐絲琺瑯又稱景泰藍,此景泰藍條案的製作既運用了青銅和瓷器工藝、又融入了傳統手工繪畫和雕刻技藝,堪稱中國傳統工藝的集大成者。景泰藍作為陳設器較常見,作為家具實屬罕見,此拍品做工精細,用料極為考究,兼收藏與實用價值,實為上品。 來源:佛羅裡達私人收藏 Provenance: From a private Florida collection