Dimension: Height: 5 5/8 in (14.0 cm) Length: 8 3/8 in (21.0 cm) Width: 6 3/8 in (16.0 cm) Weight: 968.0g
Estimate From: $6000
Estimate To: $12000
Chinese. The rounded sides rising from short foot, flanked by a pair of mythical beast head handles suspending loose rings, the slightly domed cover surmounted by a circular knop, all supported on rosewood stand. Qing Dynasty period.
此作品以白玉為材,玉質堅實,沈凝沈蘊,潤色晶瑩。蓋頂圓形鈕,覆碗式蓋,弧腹,下設圈足,溫潤之美展露無遺,爐體兩側雕獸面形耳,設計巧妙,下有活環,爐蓋與爐身面光素潔,更顯華美非凡。該爐原配有紫檀鏤雕底座,與玉爐搭配,天造之作。整體繁簡有序,典雅大氣。 來源:南加州私人收藏 Provenance: Property from a private collection, Southern California