Dimension: Height: 6 1/8 in (15.5 cm) Length: 4 3/4 in (12.0 cm) Width: 2 3/8 in (6.0 cm) Weight: 525.0g
Estimate From: $6000
Estimate To: $9000
Chinese. The vase is formed of lobed oval cross-section with flaring neck rising to a barbed rim. The body is carved supported on a splayed foot of conforming outline, and flanked by two carved animal masks with suspended loose rings. The stone is of an even white tone. Qing Dynasty period.
觚為商周青銅器,屬於酒器之一種,基本形制為敞口、長身、圈足,口、底皆為喇叭形,造型秀美。故後世亦流行以各種材質仿製,為文房陳設用器。此花觚取材白玉,整體打磨細緻,溫潤古樸。菱花形口,直頸斂收,腹部微鼓,近底部微外撇,足部與口沿呼應亦為菱花形。整器內外打磨光素,外壁依口沿起棱線,更增線條之美。 來源:洛杉磯重要私人收藏 Provenance: Property from an important Los Angeles private collection