Dimension: Height: 7 3/8 in (18.6 cm) Length: 7 7/8 in (20.0 cm) Width: 2 1/2 in (6.2 cm)
Estimate From: $2000
Estimate To: $3000
Chinese. Modelled in the form of the Taoism founder, Lao-Zi, riding on a donkey, the interior of the animal serving cast as censer body. Ming Dynasty period.
本品銅製而成,施紅彩,鎏金,部分脫落,包漿圓潤自然,老子衣袍舒卷,斜坐於毛驢之上, 面容安詳可親,面須、髮絲隨風飄舞,極富動感的線條使其栩栩如生,背後有穿,可供熏煙 四溢。毛驢引頸向前,以寫實的表現手法塑造,絲毫未見生硬之處,老子、牛二者恰到好處, 構成一幅生動的老子出關景象。 來源:加州聖地亞哥私人收藏 Provenance: Private collection, San Diego, California