Dimension: Height: 2 3/8 in (6.0 cm) Width: 14 3/8 in (36.5 cm)
Estimate From: $2000
Estimate To: $3000
Chinese. Painted to the center with a mythical elephant with wings emerging from the crests, the cavetto with further mythical beasts, all on a dense ground of crashing waves. with restorations. Possibly Ming Dynasty period.
此盤器型規整,莊重大氣,大盤敞口,鼓腹斜下收,圈足青花髮色濃艷。內壁繪青花海象紋飾,與外壁的青花海水紋相對應,構成了一幅和諧圖案。紋樣佈局合理,構圖完整疏朗;筆繪精細生動,極為簡練流暢,青花色澤艷麗。 來源: 1999年購於洛杉磯遺產拍賣 Provenance: Purchased from a Los Angeles estate in 1999