Dimension: Height: 11 1/2 in (29.2 cm) Width: 6 in (15.2 cm)
Estimate From: $1200
Estimate To: $1800
Chinese. The pear-shaped body rising from a straight foot to a waisted neck with flared rim, carved with floral scroll. Yuan Dynasty period.
撇口,細長頸,鼓腹下收,圈足。胎體細薄,釉色均勻,刻花清晰,花葉婉轉自如,搖曳生姿,尤為優雅灑脫,氣韻非凡。 來源:密蘇裡州堪薩斯城私人收藏, 購於紐約佳士得2017年 Provenance: Property from a Kansas City, Missouri Family Estate, acquired in Christie's New York, Feb,7,2017, Lot 73