- Dimension: Height: 8 1/2 in (21.6 cm) Length: 5 2/8 in (13.3 cm) Width: 2 in (5.1 cm)
- Estimate From: $2200
- Estimate To: $3200
Qing Dynasty period. Flanked by a pair of ruyi handles, the front and back moulded in low relief with pair of chilong with a roundel surrounded by lotus scrolls, the neck moulded with an auspicious bat below ruyi shaped band around the mouth, covered overall in a gilt painted brown glaze to simulate the patina of gilt bronze, splashed with green enamels to mimic encrustation, the base bearing a Qianlong reign mark.
本器圓口,束頸,腹部扁圓。頸部裝飾如意耳,外壁以銅綠彩為地,部分呈赭色,赭色之上又施以點點金彩,細節把控到位,整體營造出古銅鏽蝕斑駁的質感,口沿描金飾“迴紋”,頸部減地浮雕“靈芝如意紋”“雲蝠紋”,腹部中央減地浮雕“雙螭龍紋”四周裝飾“卷草紋”,底部減地浮雕“海水紋”,整體紋飾上描金彩,華麗古雅,模仿嵌金銅器,古銅彩是清乾隆朝裝飾彩特殊品種之一,摹仿古代青銅器色彩,故稱“古銅彩”。其製作工藝非常考究,所燒製出青銅器鏽跡斑駁的效果,或用金彩摹繪璀璨的錯金銀紋飾,其質感色彩均於青銅真品相若。整體力圖顛覆傳統的新意,綜合新與舊之法,即有仿古的韻味, 又有富麗堂皇之氣,十足顯示出乾隆朝博古納今於一器的創舉。底部金彩書寫“大清乾隆年制”款識,(配木盒)