- Dimension: Height: 16 2/8 in (41.0 cm)
- Estimate From: $4500
- Estimate To: $8500
Qing Dynasty Qianlong period. The pear-shaped body rising from a short spreading foot to a tall narrow waisted neck and everted tapering rim, set to one side with an elegant long S-shaped spout issuing from a monster mask and to the other with a similarly shaped handle terminating with a ruyi head, the foot, body, and neck all embellished with carved white jade plaques carved with dragon and mythical beasts, the hardstone embellished cover attached by chain to the handle, the base bearing Qianlong reign mark.
此執壺以精銅為材,整體為西域風格,圓口束頸,鼓腹下垂,圈足,足牆較高,帶獸,細長流,如意彎把。流、把、頸部、口及足以銅鎏金裝飾,器身通體掐絲填琺瑯釉,於藍色地上繪畫纏枝花卉紋,並開光嵌大大小小的玉花片十幾塊,腹部為龍紋海棠形玉花片。做工精湛,器形穩重,華麗大氣,包漿自然,保存完好,宮廷氣息濃厚,值得收藏。 來源:南加州帕薩迪拉家族收藏 Provenance: Property from a private family collection, Pasadena