- Dimension: Height: 9 1/2 in (24.1 cm) Diameter: 6 in (15.2 cm)
- Estimate From: $3500
- Estimate To: $5500
Qing Dynasty period. Delicately potted standing on a slightly splayed foot rising to a compressed globular body set with a tall waisted neck and flared mouth, the body delicately decorated with lively dragons with detailed features traveling through floral sprays against a large lotus bloom at center, the neck decorated with a shou character under auspicious bat, all reserved on lime-green ground, base bearing six character reign mark.
嘉慶時期工匠秉承前朝之造器精神,窯業於守成之中亦見肇新,意趣之妙,品格之高不讓前朝,本品當為此史實的最佳之詮釋。洋彩是清代宮廷對運用西洋繪畫技法描繪彩瓷的正式名稱。本瓶撇口, 長頸,斜肩,圓垂鼓腹,腹下漸收,圈足微撇,瓶身以綠釉為地,淡雅柔美,嬌嫩怡人,周身遍繪各色吉祥紋樣。口沿用松石綠釉為地,其上以胭粉、寶藍、珊瑚紅、脂紅等顏料描繪圖案,色彩鮮豔,艷麗,精細,亮麗。著色深淺有致,一絲不苟,繪畫精細,雍榮華貴,氣度不凡。瓶口用胭脂紅繪“如意云紋”,頸部繪製珊瑚紅彩倒掛蝙蝠紋樣,周身纏繞“纏枝花卉紋”,間以金彩“壽”字纏繞其間,寓意美好,福壽雙全。腹部滿繪“纏枝蓮紋”,“靈芝紋”,花卉枝蔓舒卷自如,設色淡雅清新,尤其在嬌嫩的青綠釉地映襯下更見麗質非凡。洋彩繪雙對稱螭龍,爪握蓮枝,龍首高昂,身形矯健,呈S 形,尾部捲曲,具有十足的動感和氣勢,圈足裝飾“蓮瓣紋”“迴紋”。“大清嘉慶年制”款識。 (配木盒) 來源:紐約重要私人藏家收藏 Provenance: Property from an important collection, New York