- Dimension: Height: 8 1/4 in (21.0 cm) Length: 4 3/4 in (12.1 cm) Width: 3 1/2 in (8.9 cm)
- Estimate From: $6000
- Estimate To: $12000
Seated in lalitasana on a double-lotus base, the right hand held in varada mudra and the left raised to the chest in vitarka mudra, wearing a dhoti and a loose shawl over the shoulder, adorned with bejewelled necklaces around the waist and the chest, the face with a benevolent expression, crowned with a five-leaf tiara in front of a high chignon. Ming Dynasty period.
Provenance: Property from an important private collection, Los Angeles 度母,梵名為Tara,全稱「聖救度佛母」,古代稱之為「多羅菩薩」。度母實為觀世音菩薩之化身,有二十一種化現,而綠度母則為所有度母之主尊,總攝其餘二十尊化身之所有功德,能救八種苦難,故又稱為「救八難度母」。此尊就展現了度母慈悲護持,濟世度人的莊嚴妙相。度母頭戴五葉寶冠,髮髻高束,眉弓如月,鼻樑高挺,嘴角露和煦微笑。圓形耳環垂於耳下,上身坦露,胸飾瓔珞手足釧鐲,雙手拈蓮莖,左手結說法印,右手於右膝結與願印,半跏趺坐蓮座之上。整尊佛像雕刻細膩,裝飾繁複精緻,金色醇厚,姿態優雅,為明代金銅佛像造像代表之作。 來源:洛杉磯重要藏家收藏