- Dimension: Diameter: 2 1/4 in (5.5 cm)
- Estimate From: $1800
- Estimate To: $2500
Of circular form, carved with four character 'Chang Yi Zi Sun' (to benefit future generations forever) enclosed in square border, the reverse finely inscribed in regular script with Imperial poem, with scrolling ruyi clouds above, the top pierced with a small circular opening at the center. Qing Dynasty Qianlong period.
扁平圓形,黃玉製成,玉色純淨,瑩潤如脂,玉質極佳。正反兩面雕琢,正面減地, 四周起陽文邊線,中間陽文方形印文“長宜子孫”四字,背面平地子,陰刻禦題詩,字跡清晰,字體工整有力。此佩雕刻風格簡潔明快,打磨拋光精細,玉質精良,十分難得。背面琢有《禦製玉長宜子孫佩詩》一首。 「長」意味「長遠長久」,「宜」即「君子宜知」,「子孫」則代表「萬代」,故「長宜子孫」寓意家族興旺,子孫後代皆能過上美好安逸的生活。此佩玉質、雕工、寓意俱佳,為乾隆宮廷造辦處上乘之作,極具收藏價值。