Dimension: Height: 20 2/8 in (51.4 cm) Length: 14 7/8 in (37.5 cm) Width: 8 3/4 in (22.0 cm)
Estimate From: $15000
Estimate To: $25000
Modelled after the Islamic metal prototype, of flattened globular form, rising from a splayed rounded square foot to a cylindrical neck set with a pair of archaistic animal scroll handles, the body moulded in relief on each side with a large central yin-yang boss encircled by eight trigrams, the flat sides moulded with bosses resembling rivets, covered overall in a attractive celadon green glaze, the recessed base similarly glazed and inscribed with a six-character seal mark in underglaze blue. Qing Dynasty period.
Provenance: Property from a private collection, Los Angeles 從雍正傳世御用瓷器看,無論花色品種還是質量都達到了歷史高峰,顏色釉的燒造,尤其是青釉瓷器的製作更是令人稱道。青釉因色澤的深淺濃淡有不同的名稱,如粉青、冬青、豆青之分,本件所施青釉遠視猶如碧水,又若梅子初青,當為冬青之色。此種釉色與胤禛一貫追求文雅、素淨的審美標準暗合,深得皇帝喜愛。抱月瓶腹部呈圓月形凸起,又稱“寶月瓶”。始燒於清雍正,流行於乾隆一朝。雍正時期的抱月瓶在於各部分比例協調,恰到好處。此瓶直口,口部包銀,粗頸,扁圓腹,下置橢圓形圈足。頸肩飾雙如意耳,正背兩側紋飾相同,皆以太極陰陽圖裝飾於中心,四周突起八卦紋。通體施豆青釉,釉色純正亮麗,釉質溫潤如玉。紋飾的選擇追古溯源,形質古樸大方,氣質雍容。此類抱月瓶是雍窯的創新之作,設計甚得天然意趣,線條舒展柔美,工藝精湛,為雍正時期內府單色釉瓷的上品。雍正皇帝對於服食仙藥,煉丹求仙十分熱衷,故帶有道家符文的器物往往為雍正皇帝親自使用,十分珍貴。 “大清雍正年制”款識。可參閲香港佳士得2010 秋季拍賣會2826 號拍品,成交價HKD 18,580,000;倫敦蘇富比2006 年11 月8 日lot.173(封面作品);成交價232,000 英鎊;《宮廷珍藏---中國清代官窯瓷器》,第295 頁;台北故宮博物院藏清雍正龍泉釉拱花寶月瓶等 來源:洛杉磯藏家收藏