Dimension: Height: 10 1/2 in (26.5 cm) Diameter: 7 1/8 in (18.0 cm)
Estimate From: $6000
Estimate To: $12000
Of pear shape rising from a straight foot to the narrow waisted neck, the body carved with irregular openwork pattern, covered overall in a sea-green glaze with crackled pattern. Ming Dynasty period.
Provenance: Property from a private collection, Los Angeles 撇口,短頸,頸以下漸向外闊,至近底處內斂,圈足,其腹部渾圓大氣,身形挺拔壯碩,予人典雅尊貴之感。通體施龍泉青釉,腹部鏤空,極其特殊。 來源:洛杉磯藏家收藏