- Dimension: Height: 3 in (7.6 cm) Diameter: 10 in (25.4 cm)
- Estimate From: $2500
- Estimate To: $4500
Of circular form, the cover finely enamelled with a pair of five-clawed dragons with scaly body and arms outstretched in vivid cobalt blue, flanking a three character mark 'Mao Qin Dian' at the center, the body enamelled with similar pattern, all reserved on a dense cloud background. The base inscribed with six character Qianlong mark. Qing Dynasty Qianlong period.
Provenance: Property from a private collection, Toronto, Canada 印盒扁圓形,子母口,圈足。蓋面及盒壁以淡描青花祥雲紋為地,用深色青花各繪兩條行龍,騰於雲海之間,盒蓋正中長方形開光內書“懋勤殿”三字。懋勤殿位於紫禁城內乾清宮西廡,始建於明嘉靖十四年,“取懋文勤武之義,故以貯典籍文房”,此外懋勤殿還用於存放當朝正在使用之寶璽,清代乾隆、嘉慶二位皇帝常在此批閲奏本、鑒賞書畫,自乾隆九年起,在懋勤殿中陸續編修《石渠寶笈》、《天祿琳瑯》、《秘殿珠林》、《西清古鑒》等書.。 來源: 加拿大多倫多私人藏家收藏