- Dimension: Diameter: 20 1/2 in (52.1 cm)
- Estimate From: $18000
- Estimate To: $38000
The rounded sides rising from a short tapering foot to an everted rim, finely enamelled to the exterior with two gnarled branches of magnolia and prunus, extending around the curve of the dish and over the rim into the interior, entwined with a smaller flowering rose and lingzhi sprigs, the base with six-character Yongzheng mark in underglaze-blue. Qing Dynasty period.
Provenance: private New York collection 粉彩器在雍正時期已成為彩瓷的主流產品,其造型多樣,裝飾紋樣豐富,繪製精湛。裝飾圖案常見山水、人物、花草、蟲蝶紋等。施彩柔麗,構圖疏雅簡潔,紋飾纖柔,繪製工細,畫風深受惲南田沒骨法的影響,達到了“花有露珠,蝶有茸毛”的程度。“過枝花”是一種瓷器特殊構圖方式,器內外壁或器身與器蓋的紋飾相連,渾然一體,似花枝越過牆頭,故稱為“過牆花”,裝飾技法新穎別緻,有獨特藝術風韻。此盤體型碩大,撇口,淺腹,胎體輕薄,釉色瑩潤。 來源: 紐約私人藏家收藏