- Dimension: Height: 15 1/2 in (39.4 cm) Diameter: 9 1/4 in (23.5 cm)
- Estimate From: $2500
- Estimate To: $3800
The globular body rising from a short splayed foot to a tall trumpet neck, gilt throughout to depict pines, bamboo, and plum blossoms, interrupted at the shoulder with a band of scrolling lotus and shou characters, all below a band of ruyi-head lappets, reserved against a deep blue ground, the base with six character Guangxu mark. Qing Dynasty Guangxu period.
Provenance: Property from a private collection, San Francisco 口微敞,細長頸,圓肩鼓腹,圜底圈足。通體施霽藍釉,釉色明艷均勻,釉面潤透。頸部、腹部飾“歲寒三友”松、竹、梅紋飾,竹是高雅、純潔、虛心、有節的象徵;梅花笑傲嚴寒,破蕊怒放,象徵著人桌爾不群,超凡脫俗的品格。松樹四季常青,姿態挺拔,象徵著青春常在和堅強不屈。整器佈局勻稱,線條細膩流暢。藍色釉面金彩艷麗,盡顯祥瑞吉慶,透出皇家富貴之氣。賞瓶器形為賞賜之用,此種造型歷代均有燒造,本件器物金彩保存艷麗,為光緒官窯佳品。 來源:三藩市私人藏家收藏