- Dimension: Height: 15 3/4 in (40.0 cm) Length: 10 1/4 in (26.0 cm) Width: 7 1/4 in (18.4 cm)
- Estimate From: $3000
- Estimate To: $6000
Of square section, the rounded sides rising from a tall spreading foot to a waisted neck and straight rim, with two moulded lion mask-ring handles to the shoulder, overall suffused in turquoise green glaze, base with seal stamp. Qing Dynasty period.
Provenance: Property from a private collection, San Francisco 雍、乾兩朝,單色瓷品多仿古器。本瓶如是,意取上古青銅壺形,此類形製為官窯藝匠首創。本品尊貴端莊,造型恢弘古雅,雙獸耳,通體敷施粉青釉,淡雅嬌嫩、瑩潤如玉,極見勻淨雅靚之致,深為其輕逸媚人之風韻所折服。細觀本品,器形碩大,線條秀美流暢,莊重雅觀,釉色寧靜潤潔,光亮柔美。 來源:三藩市私人藏家收藏