- Dimension: Height: 12 1/2 in (31.8 cm) Diameter: 8 in (20.3 cm)
- Estimate From: $4000
- Estimate To: $8000
Potted with high rounded shoulders rising to a short waisted neck and a lipped mouthrim, the body painted in underglaze red with carps. Ming Dynasty period.
Provenance: Property from a private collection, San Francisco 釉裡紅瓷是傳統陶瓷中的藝術珍品,是以氧化銅作著色劑,於胎上繪畫紋飾後,罩施透明釉,在高溫還原焰氣氛中燒成。因紅色花紋在釉下,故稱釉裡紅瓷。本品小口短頸,豐肩弧腹,脛部內斂,圈足微外撇。器身用釉裡紅繪三魚,姿態各異,魚紋是古代最常見的吉祥紋飾,因魚和“余”諧音相近,故有年年有餘吉祥之意。整器造型規整,比例和諧,俊秀穩重,端莊大方。 來源:三藩市私人藏家收藏