- Dimension: Height: 2 7/8 in (7.0 cm) Diameter: 5 3/4 in (14.5 cm)
- Estimate From: $3500
- Estimate To: $5500
Finely potted with rounded sides rising from a short foot to a gently flaring rim, the exterior decorated with peony, chrysanthemum, poppy and crabapple, all picked out in shaded tones of blue, pale yellow, green and iron-red against coral-red ground, the base inscribed in underglaze blue with a four-character yuzhi mark within a double-square. Qing Dynasty Kangxi period.
Provenance: Private San Francisco collection 康熙後期清宮彩瓷一改此前雄麗蒼勁之風格,特別在吸納西洋技藝之後,彩料細膩柔和,氣息婉約清新,以致名品疊出,驚艷古今。此件拍品雋秀而嬌巧,優雅而尊貴,胎體細薄堅致,內壁施白釉,溫潤瑩美,外壁敷設珊瑚紅彩為地,色澤勻淨濃妍,以諸色琺瑯彩料繪就盛開花卉,花枝招展,風姿綽約,妍美嫵媚之態一展無遺。底為雙方框“康熙御製”四字款,為內府標準的宋槧體,筆道硬朗,端莊周正,為不可多得之御製佳器。