- Dimension: Height: 13 1/4 in (33.7 cm) Diameter: 7 7/8 in (20 cm)
- Estimate From: $3500
- Estimate To: $5500
The body front and back finely painted with a large phoenix and dragon in flight chasing flaming pearl amidst clouds above sacred mountain and crashing waves, the sides painted with meandering lotus scrolls, the neck flanked by mythical beast head handles and rim with a band of lappets, the underside base inscribed with six character wanli mark. Ming Dynasty period.
此式雙耳瓶的原型來自周代盛酒之具—青銅壺。宋代金石學興起,尚古之風盛行,青銅壺與其它商周古物一起得以出土,並被好古者收藏和摹制。宋室南渡之後朝廷對禮制的匡複和修訂不遺餘力,極大推進禮器的復古思潮,確立新式禮器的功用,此式雙耳瓶隨之更多地向禮器性質轉變,其材質也在多元化發展,其中瓷製者日益風行。在元代此式瓷製瓶開始成對供奉於神台前,已成制度,並且被元代的龍泉窯和景德鎮窯廣泛生產。本件拍品則是上述宮中供器之一,其形莊重典雅,釉汁厚潤泛青,長頸礬紅飾焦葉紋一週,兩側飾對稱獸首耳,體現著獨具特色的古老傳統,而獸首縮小,耳洞變大是此時造型演變的特點,瓶腹前開光繪青花海水江崖龍鳳紋,龍鳳上下呼應,軀幹蟠曲,靈活矯健。下承外撇式圈足,底心書“大明萬曆年制”六字楷書款,此瓶造型優美,紋飾層次繁密,流傳至今已屬珍罕之品。來源:加拿大溫哥華藏家提供 Provenance: Private collection, Vancouver