- Dimension: Height: 1 3/4 in (4.4 cm) Diameter: 6 1/2 in (16.5 cm)
- Estimate From: $4000
- Estimate To: $8000
The rounded sides supported on a flat base, set at one side with a small spout of square section applied underneath with a small scroll loop, painted on the interior in underglaze copper-red with a phoenix in flight amidst clouds, all enclosed within red border incised with wavy lines, the rim and base unglazed. Yuan Dynasty period.
匜,為日常重要盛水器皿,有銀等金屬例,也有瓷例如龍泉青瓷、白釉、青花、釉裡紅、藍釉者。此件瓷質堅硬直口,圓腹,平底,釉面瑩亮,通體以釉裡紅繪製,內壁繪一週卷草紋,匜內底心繪鳳鳥紋,筆觸豪放有力。整體品相完好,不可多得。類似器型可參考香港蘇富比2013年春拍拍品,拍品號34。 來源:南加州私人家族提供 Provenance: Property from a private collection, Southern California