- Dimension: Height: 17 1/2 in (44.5 cm)
- Estimate From: $3500
- Estimate To: $5500
The standing bodhisattva with hands as holding a vase, on a base buffeted with waves, wearing a layered robe draped over softly rounded shoulders and opening at the chest to reveal a beaded necklace, the face with a benevolent and peaceful expression flanked by pendulous earlobes, the hair drawn up to a high chignon and covered by a cowl. Qing Dynasty period.
夾紵,亦稱“夾紓”、“挾紵”。即先用泥塑成胎,後用漆把麻布貼在泥胎外面。待漆干後,反覆再涂多次。最後把泥胎取空,因此又有“脫空像”之稱。 此尊夾紵觀世音菩薩立於浪花翻捲的荷花座上,身軀輕盈靈動,似踏浪而來。手在胸前,一上一下,猶如說法印,神情莊嚴恬靜,面容和藹慈祥、頭梳高髻、含眸下視、彷彿正觀照著芸芸眾生。造型優雅,莊嚴慈祥。夾紵工藝製作過程複雜,所制器物不但柔和逼真,而且質地很輕,但不易保存。此像保存完好,工藝精細,觀音塑造栩栩如生,實屬難得。