Lot# |
Image |
Item |
Estimates |
Result |
261 |
A Chinese carved mountain shaped table ornament 雕山子擺件 |
$100 - $200 |
40 |
262 |
An Ivory elephant herd ornament 象牙雕六象擺件 |
$100 - $200 |
400 |
263 |
A carved horn bowl 牛角碗 |
$800 - $1200 |
1100 |
264 |
A rosewood brush pot 紫檀木筆筒 |
$200 - $400 |
375 |
265 |
A Japanese carved ivory with ornaments vase 日本象牙銀座鑲八寶人物花瓶 |
$1200 - $1800 |
3750 |
266 |
Peacock embroidery for Chinese Official 清代官府孔雀繡品 |
$200 - $300 |
125 |
267 |
A double layer lacquer box 清 漆器雙層捧盒 |
$400 - $600 |
200 |
268 |
A group of Thangka 清 唐卡六張 |
$400 - $800 |
475 |
269 |
A Chinese carved ivory eight layered puzzle ball 象牙球(8層球) |
$150 - $250 |
475 |
270 |
A Chinese carved ivory seal stamp 象牙圓章 |
$200 - $400 |
425 |
271 |
A Chinese carved agate censer with Zitan cover 瑪瑙香爐,紫檀木圓蓋(帶圓座) |
$150 - $250 |
1300 |
272 |
Four Chinese stone seal stamps 印章4枚 |
$250 - $350 |
150 |
273 |
A strand of semi-precious stone necklace 項鏈一串(配有瑪瑙、天珠、珊瑚、石頭、蜜蠟、綠松石、琥珀) |
$100 - $200 |
50 |
274 |
An European mother of pearl fan 西洋貝殼人物扇 |
$150 - $200 |
80 |
275 |
A Chinese silver enamel eye glasses holder 清代銅銼銀仙鶴仙壽圖眼睛盒 |
$250 - $350 |
50 |
276 |
A strand of amber beads necklace 蜜蠟珠(50顆) |
$200 - $300 |
600 |
277 |
A twenty pieces ivory handle dining ware set 象牙餐具一套(20支) |
$600 - $800 |
60 |
278 |
A set of Chinese nutmeg yew wood chess and board 榧木中國象棋、圍棋一副,配棋盤 |
$1500 - $2000 |
750 |
279 |
Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra, 4 volumes in Chinese 大般若波羅蜜多經(4本) |
$250 - $350 |
40 |
280 |
Four Chinese carved horn figures 角雕人物(4個)(其一一腳缺失) |
$50 - $100 |
175 |
281 |
A Chinese black wood wood Ruyi 黑桃木雕如意 |
$250 - $400 |
250 |
282 |
A Chinese huangyangmu wood Ruyi 黃楊木雕靈芝如意 |
$250 - $400 |
400 |
283 |
A Chinese plum flower painting 梅花人物畫一幅 |
$200 - $300 |
175 |
284 |
A group of twelve ornaments 雜件一套(共8件) |
$200 - $300 |
350 |
285 |
A set of carved wooden items 木雕佛像,鏡架 |
$200 - $300 |
650 |