California Asian Art Auction California Asian Art Auction
 Jan. 20, 2024  Jan. 20, 2024

 Lot # 1126 
PU RU: CALLIGRAPHY COUPLET IN REGULAR SCRIPT    溥儒(1896-1963) 楷書七言聯 水墨灑金紙本 鏡框

  • Dimension: 26 3/4 in (67.9 cm) x 3 3/4 in (9.5 cm) x 2
  • Estimate From: $4000
  • Estimate To: $6000

Ink on gold-speckled paper. Seven Character Calligraphy couplet in Regular Script (kaishu), inscribed and signed Pu Ru, with two seal marks of the artist.

Provenance: From an Important private Chinese painting and calligraphy collection in Northern California. (Lot 1125 - 1127)
來源:北加州重要書畫藝術私人珍藏 (Lot 1125 - 1127) 題識: 憶故友陳含光春秋題聯句。寒生綠露無歸雁,秋滿黃花罷舉觴。西山逸士溥儒。鈐印:溥儒之印,心畬。說明:陳含光(1879-1957),出生於江蘇揚州,是清朝光緒年間的舉人,原名延,後改名含光。他出自淮揚世家,以詩、書、畫著稱,被譽為三絕之一。陳含光在書畫方面展現了卓越的天賦,尤以山水畫為其代表作,作品意境清幽,深遠而充滿文人氣息。他與溥儒、吳昌碩、黃賓虹、林散之、齊白石等人結為至交,共同追求藝術的卓越境地。