- Dimension: Height without stand: 3 2/8 in (8.0 cm) Length without stand: 6 1/8 in (15.5 cm)
- Estimate From: $5000
- Estimate To: $8000
Each magpie exquisitely carved seated on its legs, looking forward and holding in its beak a gnarled lingzhi fungus sprig, the tail held high and the wing feathers well detailed, the stone of finely polished even white tone, all supported on a intricately carved hardwood stand. Qing Dynasty period.
Provenance: Private collection from Northern California 來源: 北加州私人多年收藏 蓋盒一對取羊脂白玉為材,凝潤如脂,瑩潔細膩。以喜鵲為原型雕製而成,呈坐臥姿,內挖膛成容器,分上下兩層,隨翅形成的弧線式子母口相合,可開啟。喜鵲尖喙,圓首短頸,身形飽滿圓潤,頸羽錯落有致,翎羽根根分明,靈巧鮮活姿態盡顯,使人見之頓生喜愛。可参考一對較小青白玉雕喜鵲蓋盒,倫敦佳士得,2019年5月,最終成交價118,750英鎊。 Please refer to a pair of smaller bluish white jade carved magpie boxes, Christie's London, May 2019, with a final price of 118,750 GBP.