- Dimension: Height: 33 in (83.8 cm) Width: 13 1/2 in (34.3 cm)
- Estimate From: $"10
- Estimate To: $000"
Each jardiniere with rounded sides, the exterior decorated in cloisonne enamel enclosing scenes of lotus ponds and egrets in shaped cartouches within dense foliate scroll blue enamelled ground, the top planted with lotus buds and leaves, accompanied with hardwood stands. Qing Dynasty period. 花盆採用景泰藍工藝製作而成,銅胎,缸型,敞口,鼓腹,腹部下收,圈足。主體在銅胎上填以天藍色地,色澤均勻,並嵌以銅絲,組成了滿地花草紋,枝藤細線纏繞,九瓣形花瓣,分別涂繪紅、黃、藍、白諸色琺瑯彩,形成彩飾,色澤明快。盆內滿填以“荷葉”“荷花”“蓮蓬”,自然曲折。這件盆景具有清代宮廷御用器物的風格,是宮廷陳設中的精品,置於室內桌旁、架上,不僅美觀大方,而且頗有華貴氣質。