- Dimension: Height: 12 1/2 in (31.6 cm) Length: 10 2/8 in (26.0 cm) Width: 6 2/8 in (15.6 cm)
- Estimate From: $6000
- Estimate To: $9000
Chinese. The celadon stone deftly carved in relief with two sinuous five-clawed dragon chasing flaming pearl, the reverse carved in shallow relief with archaic motifs, mounted within a highly carved zitan table screen, the front with a central wood boss carved with characters 'San' Qian' locking into the back panel to secure the jade, the frame and stand carved overall in archaistic style. Qing Dynasty period.
插屏紫檀雕成,屏心內嵌玉璧,玉質溫潤細膩,局部帶有褐紅色沁色。正面高浮雕“雙龍戲珠紋”,張牙舞爪,騰雲駕霧,軀幹自然扭曲,追逐火珠,氣勢威猛剛勁。二龍戲珠源於神話傳說,寄托了古人希望四海升平、百姓安居樂業的美好願望。反面雕飾“饕餮紋”,紋飾對稱清晰,排列規矩,嚴謹細致,神秘感十足。 插屏框座為上等小葉紫檀制成,油性厚重,色澤古雅,包漿肥厚。上框四周透雕“雲蝠紋”, 紋飾繁而不亂,層次分明,寓意美好,“蝠”、“福”字的諧音,結合成“進福” 的寓意,希望幸福會像蝙蝠那樣自天而降。玉璧中心雕飾“乾”“隆”二字。底座雕飾“夔龍紋”“勾雲紋”。