- Dimension: Height: 6 2/8 in (15.7 cm) Width: 4 5/8 in (11.5 cm)
- Estimate From: $3000
- Estimate To: $5000
Chinese. Naturalistically carved as a large lingzhi fungus growing up from a gnarled branch sprouting smaller lingzhi heads around the body, further decorated with bats in flight, all supported on a carved hardwood stand. Qing Dynasty period.
此花插玉質瑩潤光潔,包漿醇熟。采用深浮雕及透雕的表現手法,工藝極其精湛,靈芝型口,掏膛勻凈,瓶身外采用高浮雕手法雕飾“螭龍”“靈芝”“蝙蝠”。大小螭龍方臉尖耳,身體彎曲,瘦長健碩,肢體遒勁,盤繞瓶身,長尾分叉、末端上卷;靈芝根壯葉茂,葉冠飽滿;蝙蝠情態生動有趣,圓轉流暢,寓意美好,有大福大壽之意。整器取材珍貴,構思精巧,用料精良,拋光細膩,工藝精細,為不可多得的文房用品。帶紅木'山石'底座。 來源:加拿大溫哥華私人藏家收藏 Provenance: Private collection, Vancouver, Canada