- Dimension: Height: 10 1/4 in (26.0 cm) Width: 4 1/4 in (10.8 cm)
- Estimate From: $2500
- Estimate To: $3500
Chinese. The ferocious muscular animal is carved seated on its haunches on a square base, its powerful forelegs stretched before it. Its head facing forward, bulging eyes, and fangs protruding from the mouth, all supported on a two tier lotus throne. Tang Dynasty period.
獅自古是被佛教推崇的至尊高貴的靈獸。石獅雕刻藝術自東漢時期傳入中國,在唐代達到頂峰。此件獅子採用石灰岩圓雕而成,工藝精細,比例協調,為蹲坐式,樸實厚重,坐於須彌座之上。石獅鬃毛捲曲,身姿威嚴,體態飽滿健碩,威嚴而又霸氣十足,包漿自然,底座為罕見的雙蓮花式,十分難得。 來源: 约1980年代購於新澤西州家族遺產拍賣, 紐約重要收藏家提供 Provenance: Property from an important private collection in New York City, acquired from private estate sale in New Jersey in the 1980s