- Dimension: Height: 10 1/8 in (25.5 cm) Length: 7 1/8 in (18.0 cm) Width: 4 3/4 in (12.0 cm)
- Estimate From: $12000
- Estimate To: $18000
Seated in dhyanasana on a double lotus base, the right hand extended in bhumisparsha mudra and the left in dhyanamudra, wearing a shawl draped over the left shoulder with the undergarment gathered at the chest, the serene face with downcast eyes and a meditative expression, flanked by a pair of long pendulous ears, the hair gathered in tight curls surmounted by a domed ushnisha. Ming Dynasty period.
此件釋迦牟尼像身軀挺拔,肢體比例把握準確,表現出極高的造型功力。螺髪排列規整,頂部肉髻圓凸,上飾寶珠頂嚴。面部臉頰豐滿,雙目微合,眉間白毫,雙眉細長,鼻樑堅挺,雙眉與鼻準相連成優美曲線,顯得格外俊朗,氣度恢宏。雙腿結全跏趺坐,左手置腹前結禪定印,右手於垂膝前結觸地印,指頭柔軟生動。身著袒右式袈裟,一角反搭蓋住右肩,胸部露出內束裙腰,轉折流暢自然,袈裟上鏨刻有細緻精美花紋,明顯借鑒了織繡上的裝飾圖案。蓮座為仰覆蓮式,沉穩寬大,上下層均飾有細密的連珠紋,珠粒晶圓,雖是銅鑄,卻讓人感覺到玉石的圓潤,蓮瓣造型寬闊,每一瓣均有兩層,瓣尖有捲草紋裝飾,是典型的明代造像製式。來源: 重要紐約藏家收藏 Provenance: Important private collection, New York