- Dimension: Height: 3 5/8 in (9.2 cm) Diameter: 3 3/8 in (8.5 cm)
- Estimate From: $600
- Estimate To: $900
Chinese. Of curving beaker form, the steep, gently flaring sides sweeping to an everted rim and supported on straight foot, the body decorated with a scene of officials and scholars having a dinner, all below poetic inscription in underglaze blue, the base with mark.
敞口, 深腹, 直圈足, 造型挺拔俊朗, 線條流暢 。採用青花粉彩技法, 為十分少見的裝飾 手法, 在工藝傳承方面有著重要意義。本品所採用的青花粉彩工藝是以釉下青花與釉上彩料 共同組成紋飾圖案的一種裝飾技法。器身粉彩通景繪“韓熙載夜宴的場景”, 人物描繪細緻, 形像生動, 填色絢麗清雅, 富有層次感 。口沿一周用青花書寫詩文, 字跡工整, 用筆老道。 “大清康熙年制”款識, 成對保存完好。