- Dimension: Height: 13 1/4 in (33.7 cm) Width: 8 in (20.3 cm)
- Estimate From: $3800
- Estimate To: $5800
Chinese. Robustly potted with a tall slender body with rounded shoulders sloping down towards the waisted foot, freely painted with a continuous scene of ducks swimming amongst flowering lotus, arrow grass and other aquatic weeds, the base unglazed. Ming dynasty period.
梅瓶是中國傳統瓷器造型,始見於唐,盛行於宋金,元後延盛。梅瓶出現之初是作儲酒器皿,因造型雅緻,逐漸發展成為陳設花器。本器小口短頸,豐肩弧腹,脛部內斂,圈足微外撇,胎體細膩潔白,造型規整,比例和諧,俊秀穩重,端莊大方。器身青花繪“卷草紋”“纏枝花卉紋”“水仙花紋”“海水紋”,枝繁葉茂,佈局嚴謹,繪畫流暢自然。來源: 北加州私人珍藏 Provenance: From a private collection in Northern California