- Dimension: Height: 19 in (48.3 cm) Width: 7 1/2 in (19.1 cm)
- Estimate From: $3500
- Estimate To: $5500
Chinese. The cylindrical body surmounted by a straight neck and everted galleried rim, finely painted with scenes depicting officials and warrior figures, the shoulder with reserves enclosing books and antiques on a diaper ground. Qing Dynasty period.
尺寸碩大,盤口直頸,豐肩鼓腹,下承圈足,因形似棒槌而得名,其腹部平緩而開闊,適宜繪飾各類人物場景,為康熙朝新創之瓶式。通身施五彩繪圖案,口沿、頸部飾“迴紋”“如意云紋”一周,肩部開光飾“八寶紋”,瓶腹採用通景式構圖方法繪飾“山水人物圖”,人物形象逼真活脫,畫法精細入微。起伏變化的山石、蒼松和點綴其間的草叢來體現畫面的空間感和錯落感,人物與背景之間協調巧妙,這種移步換景的構圖方式,給人以密不透風之觀感,雖畫面滿而全,但主次關係分明,人物關係安排合理,錯落有秩,既面面俱到,又重點突出。整器氣勢恢宏,成對保存完好,帶木座,實屬難得。來源: 洛杉磯私人藏家收藏 Provenance: From a private Los Angeles collection