Dimension: Height: 32 1/2 in (82.5 cm) Length: 46 1/2 in (118.0 cm) Width: 23 5/8 in (60.0 cm)
Estimate From: $5000
Estimate To: $8000
Chinese. The rectangular top set with four panels, above a waisted apron pierced with openwork design, supported on corner legs of square section.
此桌通體選用海南黃花梨製成,堅實細膩,色澤光潤典雅。桌面攢框鑲光素獨板,充分突出海南黃花梨天然的紋理美感與光澤度,其上透雕萬字紋;劍腿,跟足成雙棖,另端與家具面子底部連接,整體器型大方,用料考究,最能彰顯文人氣質。 來源:佛羅裡達私人收藏 Provenance: From a private Florida collection