Dimension: Height: 8 3/4 in (22.0 cm) Width: 5 1/8 in (13.0 cm)
Estimate From: $3000
Estimate To: $6000
Chinesey With a high-shouldered tapered body surmounted by a waisted neck and lipped rim, the shoulder with three small evenly spaced buffalo heads, covered overall with a rich purplish-blue glaze with lavender patches and steaks, base inscribed with mark. Qing Dynasty period.
此梅瓶即為唐窯之窯變佳器,外形俊秀挺拔,線條優美流暢,予人高貴靜穆之美。釉色艷麗,垂流似霞若焰,典雅雋秀的器形與瑰麗明豔的窯變釉完美地結合,達到了“合於天造,厭於人意”的藝術境界。通體色澤有如紅寶石之妍麗,紅、藍二彩斑斕交融,動感強烈,富於韻味。 來源:聖地亞哥香港移民家族收藏 Provenance: Property from an old Hong Kong family collection resides in San Diego