California Asian Art Auction California Asian Art Auction
 October 23, 2021  October 23, 2021

 Lot # 9229 
A CHINESE DOUCAI 'FIGURES' MEIPING VASE    清 《友昆連碧之珍款》 鬥彩故事人物圖梅瓶

  • Dimension: Height: 12 7/8 in (32.8 cm) Diameter: 8 1/8 in (20.6 cm)
  • Estimate From: $2000
  • Estimate To: $3000

Chinese. The well-potted tapering body rising from a recessed base to broad rounded shoulders and a narrow short waisted neck, brightly enamelled with a story scene involving various figures and a mythical phoenix set in a private garden setting, the base inscribed with a seven character mark ' You Kun Lian Bi Zhi Zhen Kuan'. Qing Dynasty period.

圓口,短頸,豐肩,鼓腹,腹漸下收,圈足。整器造型規整,製作精良,器形體高大,莊 重典雅,器身施鬥彩繪“人物”“仕女”“欄桿”“卷雲”“芭蕉”“山石”等,釉下青花 與釉上五彩爭奇鬥艷,令人賞心悅目。人物形態各異,刻畫傳神灑脫,繪法嫻熟,佈局得當, 緊密有度,層次分明,色彩豐富。 “友昆連碧之珍”青花款識。