Dimension: Height: 16 2/8 in (41.0 cm) Length: 6 7/8 in (17.4 cm) Width: 6 7/8 in (17.4 cm)
Estimate From: $4000
Estimate To: $8000
Chinese. Cast with square section, the body decorated with blue enameled dragon amidst the clouds, the neck enameled with similar dragon decorations, the base with lotus scrolls, all against bright turquoise blue ground, all rising from stepped spreading foot, the base with reign mark. Qing Dynasty period.
此件方瓶,銅胎燒造而成,方形口、平口沿、凹形長頸、折肩平腹,方形圈足外撇,通景裝飾卷雲騰龍,紋飾掐絲均勻,設色大方,燒彩工藝穩健。銅胎掐絲琺瑯器物是明清高級工藝品種,此瓶為成對保存,尤為難得。 來源:紐約重要私人收藏 Provenance: Important private collection, NYC