Dimension: Height: 11 5/8 in (29.5 cm) Length: 3 3/4 in (9.5 cm) Width: 2 3/8 in (6.0 cm) Weight: 2570.0g
Estimate From: $10000
Estimate To: $15000
Chinese. Standing, wearing a long dress falling to the feet, holding a vase in her left hand, face serene, the stone is of even polished white tone. Qing Dynasty period.
此件白玉觀音造像玉質潔白少沁,溫潤細膩,為立像之姿,跣足而站,髮髻高束,面龐豐潤,雙目微合,大耳下垂,高鼻,法相飽滿,神情面善祥和,雕工紋絡簡潔,衣紋流暢飄逸,為供奉收藏佳品。 來源:洛杉磯重要私人收藏 Provenance: Property from an important Los Angeles private collection