Dimension: Height: 6 1/2 in (16.5 cm) Length: 11 in (27.9 cm) Width: 6 in (15.2 cm)
Estimate From: $2000
Estimate To: $3000
Chinese. The recumbent rabbit realistically rendered, with pink pigments on the mouth, eyes, and interior of the ears. The underside with a hole. Accompanied by thermoilluminence report indicating it is of Han Dynasty period.
瓷兔極其寫實,活靈活現,臥伏昂首,圓眼,兩腮略鼓,長耳後豎,體形豐滿,造型飽滿嬌俏,生動喜人。兔為吉祥的動物,是祥瑞之物。 來源:洛杉磯家庭醫生私家收藏 Provenance: Property from a family physician's collection, Los Angeles.