- Dimension: Height: 7 3/8 in (18.5 cm) Length: 5 1/8 in (13.0 cm) Width: 3 2/8 in (8.0 cm) Weight: 778.0g
- Estimate From: $10000
- Estimate To: $20000
Seated in vajraparyankasana on a lotus throne, wearing the peaked cap adorned with the sun and moon, with pendulous earrings and necklace, with the right hand holding a vajra before the chest and the left hand holding a skull cup. 16/17th century.
此像為蓮花生大士,結全跏趺坐於蓮花座上,頭戴蓮花苞帽,並有日、月雙輪,雙目炯炯有神。其右手結契克印持金剛杵,左手平托嘎巴拉碗。蓮花生大士,又有「第二佛陀」之稱,僅次於釋迦牟尼佛。八世紀後期由印度入藏弘法,創建僧團及桑耶寺而成為藏傳佛教的奠基者,為今寧瑪派所信奉。 來源:重要私人收藏,紐約 Provenance: Important private collection, NYC