Dimension: Height: 15 3/8 in (38.8 cm) Length: 9 3/8 in (23.8 cm) Width: 3 3/8 in (8.5 cm) Weight: 3072.0g
Estimate From: $30000
Estimate To: $50000
Chinese. One of the white jade circular panels is exquisitely carved on one side with a mountainous landscape scene of immortals standing conversing under a pine tree and two young attendants holding a basket, the reverse with a walking crane on a river bank; the other panel finely depicts a scene of immortals holding lingzhi in a rocky mountainous setting with pine tree, wutong, and low clouds, with two young attendants playing musical stones on a raised stage, the far background with a pavilion on rocky cliff, the reverse with two deer at rest under wutong tree, the stone is of smooth translucent white tone. Qing Dynasty period.
此件玉插屏為白玉對屏,其上淺浮雕山石、人物、松樹、亭閣,整體畫面喜慶祥和,福壽延年的寓意,整器線條方直,圓弧皆求法度,合乎規矩,圖案邊緣棱角鋒利,山石邊角,樓閣皆似有刃,表現出極高的雕琢功力,玉器呈蠟樣光澤,具有清代玉器的特點,成對保存完整非常難得。 來源:紐約重要私人收藏 Provenance: Important private collection, NYC