Dimension: Height: 4 1/2 in (11.4 cm) Width: 6 in (15.2 cm)
Estimate From: $600
Estimate To: $900
Chinese. The set consists of a teapot and four cups, the base, interior of the covers, and bottom of handle impressed with marks, attributed to Zhou Guizhen. 20th Century.
成套組成,一壺帶有四個小杯,紫砂製成,壺鈕及壺嘴為“竹節紋”,流鋬與壺頸線條呈對稱向上舒展之美。四個小杯把手也為“竹節紋”,小巧可愛。整體赭紅色,溫和中正,端莊沉穩。 “周桂珍制”款識。周桂珍:1943 年生於宜興丁蜀鎮 ,宜興紫砂陶製作技藝非遺傳承人。早期拜師王寅春和顧景舟先生,退休後定居北京。40 餘年的創造生涯,使她在紫砂藝術上取得了顯著的成績。來源:加利福尼亞州蒙特利公園教授收藏 Provenance: Property from a profesor's collection, Monterey Park, California